My Favorite Goal Setting Resource

This planner is my biggest crush these days

Nothing beats the good ole fashioned pen and paper for me when it comes to planning and goal setting. I love this legend planner I got from Amazon and cannot recommend it enough! Here are some things I love about it:

🗓️ I love that it has sections for long term, life goals, yearly, monthly, weekly. It has been super helpful for me to have all of this in one place and not only digital. I also still use and love my google calendar, my vision and mission deck, and a myriad of other files. Having this as the main driver has been helpful so I don’t forget to keep my eye on my bigger goals.

😻 It comes with stickers! Who doesn’t love stickers???

🌈 I highly recommend you also get something like these rainbow markers to help motivate your planning if color helps make you smile like it does me.

Cascading Reflection Time Is Key

Stickers, colorful pens, and bubbles help make goal setting more fun for me

It's all about regular reviews and checking the boxes for me. Every Monday I review the previous week and set intentions for the coming week. I also review my monthly goals each week and make sure they are referenced in upcoming weekly goals. I add anything that needs to come over from last week that's actually still important. I’m surprised how many things I change my mind on or put in a longer term ideas folder for maybe someday. I reflect similarly for each month, quarter, and year, always taking time to reflect on wins and opportunities, set intentions for my next phase, with longer term goals in mind. I spend my birthday week hiking my heart out and setting my intentions for the next year in a shiny new planner.

Everything In One Place

I put everything in my legend planner baby, business, family, and personal goals, tiny to huge. It has been so helpful to not overly prioritize any one area of my life and to treat them all as one piece of a bigger cohesive life vision.

Big huge thanks to the creators of this beautiful legend planner! I hope you continue making it for many moons to come.

I'll be right back after I check another checkbox!


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