Social Media Musings

Social media can be tricky for businesses to master. It can be a huge time suck and you are not exactly sure if you get actual clients from it. It’s always there taunting you with stories of overnight, viral business success. We forget that most business success stories are actually a short snapshot of a longer journey where someone hustled and failed a lot before they started to see success.

Hence, my take on social media. It’s a long term relationship, babe. You have to just keep doing it! Just keep showing up to it and do a little each day, week, month, and you will be surprised to find that it can be a beautiful extension of your brand and community. Here are a few places I like to start when working on social media and digital marketing.

3 Strategies To Improve Your Social Media

Profile Love

One of the easiest things we can do is to make sure that your profile is solid on any social media platform. Be sure to include Location & Intro Offers front and center!

On Facebook I suggest you include a Book Now or Sign Up button that is featured before the Like button. I also suggest you include the physical Address in the ‘Intro’ Section.

On Instagram, go to ‘Edit profile’ and include your address and intro offer in your ‘Bio’ section similarly.

Be Consistent

Just start posting! I have suffered the paralysis of analysis and anxiety with social media so often in my work life. “Does anyone really want to hear from me, will they think I’m cheesy, but I only have 3 followers!”. I’d rather set small, achievable goals with social media. I tell my clients to make a goal one step beyond where they are today and do it for 30 days. If you haven’t been regular with social posting at all, maybe once a week is enough to start. Once you create a consistent habit of posting regularly, it’s easier to train others on how to do it, and it’s easier for you to stick to it if you must manage it yourself. I have created this Simple Social Marketing Calendar Template that has a ton of great ideas for posting content specific for wellness inspired businesses. It also has a section for tracking engagement, reach, and impressions which can help you better understand what’s working and what’s not. It’s also helpful to think of 3-5 content pillars to focus on. For example, in my movement brand I focus my content on movement, nutrition, and mindset. In my business company I focus on KPIs, Optimization, and Inspiration.

Reposting Is Your Friend

You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Go into your social media accounts right now and audit who you follow. You can do this under your personal accounts too, but do it especially for any business accounts you are trying to improve. Follow accounts and brands that post content you and your clients might enjoy. Follow accounts that post good images, text posts, and video content. When you see something that speaks to you, repost it with a link back to the original posters account like I did with pixality design with this instagram repost. This can also be a great way to support each peers. Do try to keep it aligned with your greater business mission though. For example, for a barre studio friend, we decided self care and positive mindset were some themes for us to easily repost in addition to barre focused posts. Longer term, creating unique, engaging content is an important part of your marketing strategy and can really help your social media shine. Stay tuned for a future post where we will dig in on that.

I have no doubt you can rock your social media even more than you have and use it as a powerful way to engage with and inspire your greater community! I’m rooting for you!

Some of my favorite accounts to follow and repost are as follows. Please share with me any of your favorites! I’ll update this list of favorites as

Health & Wellness: Mindbodygreen * Yoga Journal * Kayla Itsines * Sadie Nardini * Heidi Neal

Entrepreneurship: Gary Vee * Entrepreneur * 7 Habits

Business of Wellness: Pixality Design


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